Thursday, 10 June 2010

Why, what and other double ewes.

I started reading a book that a lot of other people had read, called 'Born to Run' by Christopher McDougall. Apparently every runner in the world and their sperm has read this, but I hadn't, so well done me (or my Dad's sperm if your thinking like that).
In the book there's a lot of talk about a tribe in Mexico that McDougall sets off to find and learn from, and they run using enjoyment and native-y type flip-flops called huaraches, the spelling of which I'm now checking and is now correct.
To cut a long intro short, the book extols the virtues of running barefoot and getting back to a state where you enjoy running again, so as to improve. I was excited by this so I've started this blog to chronicle my exploits and also my journey back to fitness. Like an exercise diary, but online and with poorer jokes.

It seems funny, as an aside and overview, how this all links in with other interests and exercise philosophies that I have and have come across, it reminds me a lot of the Methode Naturele of Georges Herbert, one of the guys who inspired David Belle and Sebastien Foucan in Parkour and I was delighted to see a recommendation for Parkour on the Nicholas Romanov website, a guy who works on 'pose running' which is an interesting concept for you to go and look up yourself. I'm also interested in the Alexander technique and how this could apply to running, something I may take a class in much later from the much vaunted guys.

So, on with the diary: 9/06/10

55 push ups in 2 sets of 20 and one of 15.
30 crunches in 2 sets of 15.
20 leg lifts in 2 sets of 10.
2 minutes of jogging on the spot barefoot (I'm conditioning see) in 2 sets of 1 min.

As with most exercise routines, I'm looking to push till I feel I can't push up, or crunch, or etc, apart from with the running as I'm getting my feet back used to running barefoot. I've done quite a bit of barefoot running around in the park recently, but I want to make it more consistent and scientifical, so I've started at the start and will work up.

My GOAL is to get down from my current 72kg to a much more trim and reasonable 64kg or 65kg, which is a drop of 8kgs or so, maths fans, or if you're old and mentally infirm, from 11 stone 5 to just over 10 stone, which is a good size for me.

So there.

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